Thursday we were supposed to have an appointment with a lady that was a referral from the Elders in Solothurn. So we went to the Church and waited, the time came and she wasn't there. We were starting to give up hope that she would come. There was a member there from the Biel Ward, so we asked him if we could give a spiritual thought. So we gave him one. then I got a phone call, it was Frau Schmid! She said that she was on her way, but was lost. so we cleared up where the Church was and then a couple minutes later she was there! My prayer was definitely answered. So we started to talk to her, and I noticed that she was going through a tough time. And I felt that she needed to hear about the Atonement. So I read her Alma 7:11-12, " 11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and aafflictions and btemptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will ctake upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
November 20, 2009
12 And he will take upon him adeath, that he may bloose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to csuccor his people according to their infirmities." then I bore her my testimony about the Atonement and our Savior. She got all teary eyed, then asked if Jesus knows what she should do and I said yes, He knows you personally and wants to help you. He loves you so much. The Spirit was so strong in that room, it was amazing. The whole appointment was just amazing. She wants to read the whold BOM and we also gave her a liahona, the one about Jesus. She is excited to read them. I am thankful that the Lord has blessed us with this experience. I don't know what will come from it, but I am just grateful for the opportunity I had to share with her my testimony that Jesus is the Christ and He is our Savior and we can only truly be happy though him. I am so grateful for this knowledge.
Posted by Elder Talley at 7:55 PM
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